Jumat, 10 Oktober 2014

Nothing. Nada. Nol

What hurts the most was being so close, and having so much to say when watching you walk away. . .
Hey, long time no see... I remembered the last time I posted is when I was a SHS student, but now I'm already a collage student I studied in Food Technology faculty. Oh, i'm so sorry because my English is worst, i can't write well hahaha okay let's start, actually i just need someone to talk to but somehow i can't find who the person is i need him/her, because somehow right now i just wanna talk to someone, not just talk to my blog Actually, right now i feel a strange feeling with one of my friend. i don't know what feeling this is but the only thing i know is, when he's around me i feel comfort, happy, and safe... but unfortunately, he's in love with someone else ha ha ha how sad. i don't know why my love story always end like this everytime i fall in love with a guy, they always already had a crush with another girl. somehow it kills me, somehow it brokes me...